LPG Distribution
OPI Gas (Private) Limited
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a high demand product in Pakistan being environmental friendly gas. It is used in domestic, industrial, commercial and automobiles. Its demand in Pakistan is ever increasing, as there are only 4.5 Million households out of 30 million households, which are linked with natural gas pipeline.
OPI Gas (Private) Limited was incorporated as a Private Limited Company in the year 1998 under the Companies Ordinance 1984, to carry out Principal business of distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in the country to fill the gap in demand and supply. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of ZPCL In view of ever increasing demand of LPG, ZPCL made an investment and mobilized OPI Gas (Private) Ltd. with a primary focus to set up its facilities for filling and distribution of LPG in the country. The company is also looking forward to secure allocations of LPG from other producers and is now in a position to also import LPG to meet future requirements of the consumers.
OPI Gas (Private) Limited started initially by establishing/installing one LPG Storage and Filling Plant at Dhurnal, District Attock some 80 Kilometers from Islamabad. The plant is ideally located to cater demand of LPG in the Northern areas of Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). This Plant was started with a storage capacity of 50 Metric Tons, which has since been enhanced to over 100 Metric Tons- with a filling capacity of a little over 50 Metric Tons per day and adequately meets the demand of customers in this area. As part of the parent company Zaver’s expansion plan, the Company installed another LPG Storage and Filling Plant at Jambar (District Kasur), located at a distance of 50 Kilometers from Lahore. This plant has been established to cater for the growing needs of Lahore and its suburbs. Presently it has a storage capacity of 50 Metric Tons, with a provision of expanding it up to 500 Metric Tons, which is already under consideration. In addition to the above two operational plants and following the strategic guidance of the Parent Company, OPI Gas is now in the process of installing another filling and storage plant in Hattar Industrial Estate District Haripur. This plant is being established with the plan to cater for the population of Northern Areas and Gilgit Baltistan. Plans are also underway to set up automobile dispensing units all over the country.
This subsidiary has not only set up LPG Filling Plants but has also created facilities for transportation of LPG in bulk from the production plant to the filling plant through large tank lorries (LPG Bousers) and has a large fleet of these bousers each with a minimum of 20 tons capacity. The Company has a good portfolio of reputable dealers to ensure equitable distribution of LPG in the country especially in the areas where wood is being used as an alternate fuel to reduce cutting of trees in the forest areas, in order to keep the environment green.
The Company aims to follow in the foot steps of its Parent Company and become a leading LPG Marketing organization in the country by maintaining high class safety standards and ensuring quality product.