Social Welfare
School Renovation
Water Supply
Sustainable Livelihoods
At ZPCL, community development is part of the company’s overall corporate social responsibility, business strategy and everyday operations. We support the uplift and empowerment of the underdeveloped and disadvantaged communities in which we operate. Our initiatives are targeted towards improving the life in remote and rural areas by making provisions for the basic needs in various sectors such as health, education and skill training, assistance to special needs of children and social welfare of the Community.
ZPCL is focussed on improving the living conditions and uplifting the quality of life in the rural areas in totality by making provision for the basic needs such as laying water supply lines, potable water tankers, wells etc and improving the infrastructure by constructing roads and dams. ZPCL supports initiatives aimed at creating jobs and building greater economic capacity by providing vocational training and distributing equipment such as sewing and knitting machines.
ZPCL’s top management is fully committed to community involvement and engaged in the definition of program goals and methods of delivering it.
ZPCL has made substantial contribution in the health sector by organising eye camps, conducting surgeries and examinations of thousand of patients. The provision of equipment and utilities such as wheelchairs, microscopes and bronchoscopes, air-conditioners etc have improved the quality of various hospital and clinics. With an eye of caution on the future, ZPCL has been actively administering hepatitis ‘B’ vaccination to children in Mirpurkhas and Khipro Block and has been involved in imparting training to traditional birth attendants. It has sponsored and supported care facilities for the aged people with disabilities and orphans.